Sunday, July 19, 2015

Lately It Seems That Nose Wheels Are Being Busted......

Lately it seems that nose wheels are being busted as if they were meant to be destroyed. In a recent FAA accident report, there were no less than “six nose wheels destroyed on landing” reported on a single weekend. Wow that takes some doing. The thing that really got my attention was this occurred in six different models, including a small twin. What I would like to know is: how does one destroy a nose wheel on landing? The only answer I can come up with is this: by landing with full aircraft weight on them. This means that the pilot failed to properly flare the plane, bleed off airspeed and then touch down on the mains. Occasionally a three point landing can be done, but carefully after slowing down properly, with enough back pressure on the elevator to shift most of the weight back on the mains. This can be a useful procedure in a short field situation, where braking immediately after touchdown is required.*

I remember one flight in my B-55 Baron. It required landing on a short 1950 foot runway at  night. Little if any headwind, so braking would be at a premium. It was marginal VFR, with slightly limited visibility.  It was almost straight in after following the VOR procedure approach, speed down to 95 knots, partial flaps gear down and runway in sight. Half a mile to go, time for a GUMPP check. That stands for: Gas, Undercarriage, Mixture, Props, Pump (fuel). OK, three in the green, (something so important to check).** Coming up on the threshold lights, start easing the power back, check props full forward  (again a must if a go-around is to be done). Start back pressure on the control wheel, pulling the nose up and slowing the plane. But not enough to stall.  Now this is key. I want to land as flat as possible as I will be stepping on the brakes as soon as I touch down with the mains. If the nose is up high, the nose wheel would slam down as the brakes take hold. Following the protocol I was able to stop well before the runway end, not even close to the runway end red lights. You can too with some appropriate practice!

 In summary: to avoid slamming down the nose wheel when landing, the goal is to land on the mains, with one exception offered above (careful three point landing). This requires attention to airspeed and attitude. Enjoy your flying, practice and be safe.

*Advice offered here is rather general, and not meant to counter anything “your” instructor might say. It might best be classified as: Food For Thought.
**Recently I read about several moderate sized turboprops landing “gear up”.

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